Healthy tan
The sun ist almost five billion years old. It is the most important celestial body in our planetary system. Ina literal sense, everything revolves around it. The sun is of fundamental importance for life on Earth. Many processes on the Earth´s surface, such as the climate and even life itself, are only possible due to solar radiation.
Many ancient cultures regarded the sun as divine or as the highest force in their cosmology. The Greek philosopher Plato even formulatet the Good, his hightest principle of humanity, according to the metaphor of the sun. For us today the sun is simply a giver of life and a benefactor. It activates the metabolism, improves blood flow, and strengthens the immune system. It helps us produce vitamin D, which is important for bone formation and musculature.
Tiroler Nussöl stands for enjoying the sun and healthy tanning – but also for a sensible approach to the sun. Learn more about this in our "Sun Manual" and our ten sunbathing tips!